Labels:crt screen | hakham | monitor | person | poster | reckoner | sky OCR: Click to close "cuanto entiendes?" Make sure your microphone is hooked up to your computer ecuainto entiendes Indicates time left for recording Ceek to listen each answer. to the question. Record your tonumber Click to listen to a sample answer Note: Your answer may be different Click to record vour answer and still be correct! Record your answer to number Ston Click to stop recordinc your answer Record your answer to number Click to listen to your answer Record veur arswer to numbers Click to "save your answer Sate Note: Answers you record will be saved only during opciones this current Nuevos Destinos session. They .will be erased when you leave this episode exit from Avuda Help ecuanto entiendess Recard syour aumber 5top qumiber Play